Help OpenAFS By Contributing Code And/Or Documentation

Obviously, your contributions to the OpenAFS code are critical for the survival and improvement of the OpenAFS technology. If you are a developer who understands this technology and is passionate about extending it, your coding skills are desperately needed.

Code contributions can also be made in the form of reviewing code written by one of your peers. Professional feedback is valuable and appreciated, and your review will help your colleague to further improve his/her produced code.

Should you feel your gift and expertise doesn't lie so much in writing new code or debugging code, but rather in writing documentation for already existing code, we will treasure your help. Extensive areas of the OpenAFS code are in dire need of documentation, and if you wish to tackle a particular part of the code documentation, please let us know.

Another particular gift of yours might lie in the area of creating code specifications and/or code design. Both are equally important for a coding project to be successful and effective, and both will be needed for submitting any proposal to the Technical Advisory Council which will evaluate it and help support your efforts.

Whatever your skill level and area of interest: pitch in! Thank you.