Who We Are
The OpenAFS Foundation, Inc., is guided by our volunteer Board of Directors, a diverse group of richly experienced individuals who agreed to volunteer for this leadership challenge. The Board of Directors has an Executive Director as its head. If you would like to learn about the individuals currently serving on the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is supported by volunteers who accepted the roles of Treasurer or Secretary. Volunteers Welcome!
The Board of Directors oversees and has final authority over all activities within The OpenAFS Foundation, Inc. To help you understand our structure, we composed an organizational chart. The chart will also offer definitions of the roles listed.
Among the OpenAFS Foundation's central values are fairness and transparency. We believe that not only the lines of authority and the various tasks should be disclosed, but also the financial status of the OpenAFS Foundation. All moneys were donated to the Foundation and its causes by individuals or organizations wishing to support both our mission and our vision. If you wish to peruse an overview over our financials. In addition, the Code of Ethics, the Conflict of Interest Policy, and the Whistleblower Protection Policy will aid you in understanding other core values of the OpenAFS Foundation.
If you wish to contact the Board of Directors, please email foundation@openafsfoundation.org. Should you wish to contact specific Directors of the Board, you may find their email addresses with their biographic introductions. The Secretary can be contacted by emailing secretary@openafsfoundation.org, and the Treasurer will receive your emails to treasurer@openafsfoundation.org.